Under the Waters Act the Inuvialuit Water Board (IWB) has the responsibility for licensing water use and waste disposal in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) of the Northwest Territories. Undertakings that require large amounts of water and produce discharges of waste have the potential to impact the environmental quality, and are thus, of concern to the Board.

The IWB has listed some of the following guidelines to assist applicants in providing all the information required in the licensing process and also assist licensees with licence reporting requirements. Applicants and licensees who make reasonable efforts to use these Guidelines should find that the processing of applications and reports for water licences is accomplished rapidly and with few difficulties.

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Abandoned Military Site Remediation Protocol (2008)

Guidance for the Preparation of Waste Management Plans (2014)

Guide to Completing an Application to Assign a Water Licence

Guidelines for the Discharge of Treated Municipal Wastewater (1992)

Protocol for the Monitoring of Drilling-Waste Disposal Sumps (2005)

Mine Site Reclamation Guidelines (2007)

NWT Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soil Treatment Facilities Guidelines (January 2020)

Guidelines for Spill Contingency Planning (2007)

Water Use Fee Calculator

Guidelines for Developing Spill Contingency Plans (French)